Zyto Corp Uses Biology, Quantum Physics, Computers to Communicate with Body Parts
Released on = March 28, 2007, 11:06 am
Press Release Author = David M. Bresnahan
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Our body parts are talking to us, and Zyto Corp. has figured out how to listen using computerized bio-technology.
Press Release Body = Orem, Utah - Zyto Corp. (ZYTC) uses the principles of biology, quantum physics, and the science of information to facilitate meaningful communication between computers and the organs of the human body - bio-communication.
"Most of us only think of our body parts talking to us in basic ways. For example, our stomach tells us that it is hungry, or pain from our finger tells us when we have a cut. But our body parts are constantly sending and receiving all kinds of signals that we can use to learn to take better care of our own health," explained Dr. Vaughn Cook, OMD, president and founder of Zyto Corp.
Cook has received a patent pending on the technology that enables computers and human bodies to communicate. Since late 2004 this technology has been used primarily in health clinics around the world to improve patient care and clinical outcomes, according to the company web site at http://www.Zyto.com
"Our core application is embodied in a communication system that capitalizes on the body's ability to respond to subtle, specific computer generated signals, called virtual stressors. Using patent-pending methods and technology, we analyze the interchange between the stimulus from the computer and the response from the person being assessed. Currently, Clinicians are using this information to deliver better, patient-specific therapy and prescriptions," explained Cook.
Every second there are an estimated 100 million impulses of information processed by the human body. The mechanism that filters this information is a part of the brain called the reticular activating system, and even though people are not aware of it, it is this information that keeps the body organized and healthy, according to Cook.
"Zyto technology converts computer data to signatures or frequencies that stimulate cellular response, known as virtual stressors or queries. The process of talking with the body can be seen as a stimulus-response exercise. Zyto technology outputs a query, or virtual stressor, and the body responds," said Cook.
By accessing data at a subconscious level, health practitioners using Zyto technology are able to expand what might be considered a patient interview. They are able to craft questions and receive answers that will serve as navigational aids in making better-informed diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
Even though this process has clinical value, instruments using the Zyto technology are not medical devices. They can more accurately be compared with a printed health questionnaire and the pen the patient uses to fill in the blanks.
About Zyto Corp. Zyto Corp. was founded by Dr. Vaughn Cook, OMD. The company provides computerized bio-technology equipment and software that facilitates obtaining information from the human body to assist healthcare practitioners in making better decisions.
Web Site = http://www.zyto.com
Contact Details = Dr. Vaughn Cook, OMD 801-224-7199
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